1.novembra 2017.g., održan je III redovni Kongres Unije slobodnih sindikata Crne Gore, pod sloganom: Složno! Hrabro! Solidarno!
U radu Kongresa učestvovalo je 295 delegata i delegatkinja iz 10 granskih, 3 strukovna sindikata i oko 20 sindikalnih organizacija.
Delegati III Kongresa usvojili su novi Statut USSCG, Program rada za naredni mandatni period, revidiranu rezoluciju o nužnosti izmjene Zakona o penzijskom i invalidskom osiguranju, kao i revidiranu rezoluciju o poštovanju prava zaposlenih na 40-satnu radnu sedmicu i prava na odmor nedjeljom i praznikom. Jednoglasno su usvojeni izvještaji o radu Glavnog, Statutarnog i Nadzornog odbora za prethodni mandatni period. Na Kongresu su izbrani članovi Statutarnog i Nadzornog odbora USSCG.
U postupku kandidovanja za funkciju generalnog sekretara USSCG, koji je prethodio održavanju III Kongresa, predložena su dva kandidata, i to: Nenad Čobeljić i Srđa Keković. Od 270 delegata koji su pristupili tajnom glasanju za funkciju generalnog sekretara, 229 delegata je glasalo za kandidata Srđu Kekovića, dok je 41 delegat glasao za kandidata Nenada Čobeljića. Ovim je, za generalnog sekretara USSCG, za mandatni period 2017 -2022, izabran Srđa Keković.
Kongresu su prisustvovali zamjenik generalnog sekretara Evropske konfederacije sindikata, Peter Scherrer, predstavnica Međunarodne konfederacije sindikata, Enisa Salimović, kao i gosti iz Regionalnog sindikalnog savjeta “Solidarnost” – predsjednici i predstavnici nacionalnih sindikalnih centrala iz Srbije, Hrvatske, Slovenije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Republike Srpske, Makedonije, zatim kolege iz Francuske, Albanije, Turske, sa Kosova, zatim, predstavnici Ministarstva rada i socijalnog staranja, socijalnih partnera, predstavnici pojedinih poslaničkih klubova, nevladinih organizacija, itd.
Pismo podrške
Predsednik Konfederacija njemačkih sindikata (DGB) Reiner Hoffmann uputio je pismo podrške za vreme Unijinog kongresa, koje prenosimo u celosti:
Dear General Secretary,
On behalf of the German Confederation of Trade Unions I thank you for your invitation to attend the congress of your organization to be held on November 1 in Podgorica.
To my regret we are not in a position to honor your invitation – not because of our political will but because of an extremely charged calendar. I kindly ask for your comprehension.
Dear Srdja,
Your organization was ambitious from the start on, mainly to go for a trade union reform and to reflect the specific needs in a complex process of transformation. Your focus always was on social dialogue being alerted and ready to combat when unavoidable and needed. And you always preserved your independence in regard to governments, political parties and employers. It should be mentioned here that the relations between the employers’ association and the Montenegrin trade union movement are one of the most developed and stable in the region.
Obviously relations between the two trade union centers in Montenegro are improving which is a considerable asset for the forthcoming challenges. They even could be better if the still pending unsolved problem of a fair division of assets would finally be addressed in a serious attempt through negotiations. Montenegro is one of the only countries in the Western Balkans where no solution had been found. The best reference for solutions in that respect still is Slovenia.
You are nowadays a solid support and moving force of the regional cooperation platform of “Solidarnost” that had been set up on the initiative of the unions in the region and which is highly appreciated by the German Confederation of Trade Unions. Allow me in that respect to refer to the continuous support of the EU Commission and the German Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation.
I greet you all and wish you success and progressReiner Hoffmann
Izvor: usscg.me
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