The question of migration in the Balkans and in Europe is one of the burning issues whose implications are already being felt in the work and operation of trade unions.
Massive labour migration and a decline in membership are the focus of debate of the Regional Trade Union Council “Solidarnost” and the European trade unions. The largest part of the migrant workforce in neighboring Slovenia is made up of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, followed by citizens of Serbia.
This working group has come together to share as much information as possible and to play a significant role in bringing together all relevant stakeholders who would advise and inform migrant workers on improving their position in the labour market as well as to prevent malpractice from misusing their situation by unscrupulous employers.
In addition to the trade union members that make this working group of “Solidarnost” and also took part at this workshop from ZSSS Slovenia, UATUC Croatia, CATUS and TUC NEZAVISNOST Serbia, UFTUM and FTUM from Montenegro, as well as CFTUM from North Macedonia also the representatives of the Youth Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the Regional network of young trade union Mediterranean activists (MEYTUM) and the German organisation “Arbeit und Leben” participated at the workshop.
You can find more details about the activity in the report below, along with the presentations presented at the workshop itself.
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