Application ‘Labour Rights for You’ is meant to be used by young people who are finishing secondary school education or their studies at the faculty and are about to step into the labour market.
Application ‘Labour Rights for You’ is meant to be used by young people who are finishing secondary school education or their studies at the faculty and are about to step into the labour market. But it is also meant to be used by experienced workers who want to additionally consolidate their knowledge.
Recently there have been fewer and fewer regular jobs. There is an increasing number of young workers on precarious and untypical jobs. Deterioration of labour standards is supported by the relativization and stretching of labour rights little by little to the point where workers take what is offered to them and do not insist on the scope of rights covered by law. If workers know about their rights, the first pre-condition for change has been realized. We want to create the wish for active participation and personal contribution to the improvement of workers’ rights and status. That is why ‘Labour Rights for You’ will be interesting and useful for students, workers and trade union members.
The aim of the application is to increase the interest, improve understanding and knowledge about labour rights and trade unions through two segments. The first one is a fun, educational quiz – a game through which you consolidate and increase your knowledge by repetition. By earning points in the quiz the users are motivated to repeat the game as more points allow them to take a higher trade union ‘position’. In the each of 11 chapters and in the Mix-game there are two types of help that can be used (‘Skip’ and ’50:50’). Answers to all the questions may be found in the second segment – Guide on Labour Rights. The guide consists of 11 chapters covering labour rights that are presented in a simple and accessible way. Sentences are short and topics are divided so that every user, regardless of their age and work experience, can be informed or reminded of important labour issues. Here are some areas: commencement of employment; unstandard jobs; unregistered work; annex to the contract; salaries; termination of employment; trade union foundation and collective agreements.
Application ‘Labour Rights for You’ is free of charge. After having been downloaded, it can be used without internet. It is easy to understand and functionable. It can be downloaded to all devices with Android operational system. This way the trade union is closer to everyone regadless of their membership status and ‘skips’ physical distance. By providing information we contribute to the democratization and spread of workers’ knowledge of their rights and possible activities. We also get them closer to trade union organization and affiliation.
‘Labour Rights for You’ is the part of the project ‘Strengthening CATUS Youth Section’ that CATUS is conducting with the support of Swedish foundation ‘Olof Palme Center’.
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