Članice Solidarnosti obeležile Svetski dan dostojanstvenog rada
This year marks the 13th World Day for Decent Work on 7 October. Millions of people since 2008 have taken part in events organized on this day while this year is a day of virtual mobilization around the world to prevent the spread of the Corona virus.
October 7th is a day when all trade unions in the world are committed to decent work. Decent work must be at the heart of government actions to restore economic growth and build a new global economy that puts people in first place.
The effects of the pandemic on health, employment, income and gender equality are all the more catastrophic, as the world has already been hit hard by the pandemic, leaving many workers out of work and increasing employee uncertainty and insecurity. That is why a new social contract is needed, which will be crucial for paving the way to recovery from the consequences caused by Covid-19, as well as for building an economy of shared prosperity and sustainability.
On this day of decent work, KSS emphasizes its daily action in order to end poverty, hunger and reduce inequalities among workers.
The central theme of this day is “New Social Contract for Recovery and Endurance” for which it is necessary to consider strategies for returning workers to work, for protection of jobs during a pandemic, updating safety and health assessments in accordance with the new biological harmfulness, remote operation and specification of related details. KSS achieves all this with great success by organizing and participating in various trainings, seminars, conferences and many other events related to employee rights. Decent work means working together to make human life meaningful and live life in fullness. In this way workers will contribute to make the world cleaner, safer, and better place to live.
Decent work means: dignity, equality, fair income and safe working conditions.
Source: kss.mk
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